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  • What is your return policy?
    We do not offer returns or exchanges. All sales made on the Rap Cubes website are final
  • How do I make changes to an order I already placed?
    If you need to make changes to any orders you have already placed, please email us immediately at and include your order number in the subject box along with "Changes To My Order"
  • What do I do if I receive damage goods?
    If any goods are damaged during the shipping process, please email us at with a picture of the damaged goods still wrapped and in the box and we will investigate if the item is truly damaged by us or the shipping provider. If the item(s) are determined to be damaged, we will send you a replacement order only for the products that are damaged
  • When will I receive my order?
    Delivery times are determined by multiple factors such as destination, size, and shipping method. On average, customers receive their orders between 5-14 business days
  • Where do you ship to?
    We currently ship to all 50 states in America, along with Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. We are working on expanding our shipping range to multiple countries around the world
  • What payment methods do you accept?
    We accept all credit/debit cards, including apple pay
  • How do I contact your company if my question isn't answered here?
    For all other questions or inquiries please contact us by email at
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